Industrial construction and outsourcing

Metal structures as a base of buildings


Modern building materials allow creating prefabricated buildings in the shortest possible time. Today, there are more and more buildings, which are based on a metal frame lined with insulating and facade materials. Why are prefabricated buildings made of steel structures so widely popular? The answer is simple: low cost and high construction speed. At the same time, ready-made buildings in terms of performance characteristics are not inferior to more capital and cumbersome buildings.

Our company has extensive experience in the construction of prefabricated buildings based on metal structures. We use only high-quality building materials, strictly observe the technology of construction and installation. Having ordered the construction of metal structures from us, you can be assured of the safety and reliability of the structure.

The buildings built with a metal frame are used for a variety of purposes. In such premises can be located:
• hangars;
• storage and granaries;
• various warehouses;
• garages;
• production facilities;
• office rooms;
• shops, etc.
Due to the not complicated process of erection from metal structures, rooms of various architectural forms and layouts are created.

For the erection of premises that are large in area, metal construction is an ideal solution. After all, the construction of a capital building will take more than a month, and the cost of materials for such a construction will be significant. When building prefabricated buildings on the basis of a metal frame, the customer saves both time and money.

Our company provides a full range of preparatory and assembly works for the construction of prefabricated buildings. We guarantee the quality and safety of our premises. Turning to us, you will entrust the construction of your building to professionals. We constantly keep in touch with our customers, when designing buildings we take into account all the wishes of the customers and the features of each room.

Designing of logistics centers


Modern logistics puts many functional tasks before the logistics centers. The main functions that the logistics center face are:

– temporary placement and storage of products, goods;

– work with the goods or products, the ability to complete the goods if necessary;

– ensuring uninterrupted and rhythmic fulfillment of customer orders.

When developing the project of a logistics center, it is necessary to take into account many factors related to the features of the purpose of the premises. Particular attention should be given to the design of the adjacent territory. After all, it is necessary to organize unhindered travel of transport, transportation of transport through the territory of the logistics center. When developing the premises of logistics centers, it is necessary to take into account the various technological operations that ensure the necessary level of the consumer passability of the center.

The basis for the design of logistics centers includes the following stages:

1. Technological design of the building.

2. Selection of land for construction.

3. Obtaining documents permitting construction.

4. Assessment of surrounding structures and underground communications located on the site of future construction.

5. Competent design of logistics centers.

Specialists of “BC SOLID” professionally perform all the works connected with the design of logistics centers. Our projects are carried out in accordance with all norms and rules, they correspond to the functional purpose of the building.

Design of storage facilities and granaries


Every farmer is interested in creating a quality storage for fruit and vegetable products or grain. The agrarian complex of the country is developing at a rather rapid pace. Requirements for storages and granaries also grow. To date, it is impossible to build a modern storage or granary without a competent, thoughtful design of the building. The functional purpose of the building is the basis of the project. It determines the size of the room, layout, communication and engineering systems in the building. Storages and granaries are classified as narrow-profile objects. It is in these premises that the products are processed, cleaned, dried, disinfected. If necessary, batches are formed for the further transportation of the products. In the design process, it is also taken into account that cereals and other crops should be preserved not only until the moment of sale of the produce, but also until the next planting. A special place in the storages and granaries is occupied by the ventilation system and control over the humidity of the air. A competent drawing provides maximum functionality of the future premises. In most cases, the construction of granaries takes place according to a standard design. In this project can be made minor changes, respectively, with the wishes of the customer. The team of specialists of “BC SOLID” will carry out the development of storage facilities and granaries professionally and qualitatively. The warehouses constructed according to our projects are functional and have an optimal ratio of the price and quality of the building. We are ready to develop for you exactly the project that you need.