construction of industrial logistics complexes

Industrial construction of logistics complexes


With the development of industry and access to new markets, there is a need for the construction of such industrial real estate objects as logistics complexes. Such buildings must meet certain requirements:
1. Logistic complexes should have a large and comfortable adjoining zone equipped for the entrance of transport.
2. The premise should be planned in view of installation of the equipment for high throughput of a logistical complex.
3. A competent internal layout of the complex’s premises should ensure convenient storage and movement of goods inside buildings.
4. When planning the complex, it is necessary to take into account the need to install conveyor belts for the competent movement of goods along the complex.

Modern prefabricated buildings meet all requirements. The undeniable advantage of such buildings is that the construction can take place at any time of the year, regardless of the weather conditions. Unfavorable weather does not affect the technical characteristics of the building.

The development of each logistics complex takes place taking into account all the wishes of the customer. How are construction and installation works going?
1. The customer discusses all the parameters of the future building. A building project is being created.
2. A team of specialists travels to the construction site, conducts soil analysis, prepares a site for construction.
3. The foundation of the future building is built, prefabricated or monolithic. All necessary foundation work is carried out.
4. The frame of the building is being constructed, in accordance with the approved project.
5. Next, walls, windows and other enclosing structures are erected.
6. The floor is equipped.
7. The facade works are produced.
8. The roof is covered with roofing materials.
9. Communication and engineering systems are connected.
10. The necessary equipment is installed to operate the logistics complex.
BC “SOLID” carries out all works connected with the construction of logistics complexes. We are responsibly approaching our work, we carry out construction in a high-quality and fast manner.