Designing office buildings is an important and time-consuming process, requiring responsibility and high professionalism. Many people work in the office, so the building must be reliable, safe and practical at the same time. The room must withstand large external loads, so that neither the wind nor strong rain will damage the building. Designing office buildings – the very first and one of the most important stages in the construction. The erection of office buildings can be carried out both on a standard and on an individual project. You can use a standard project with some adjustments and personal wishes of the customer. In any case, the team of specialists of “BC SOLID” will develop a project of office space that will fully meet the operational requirements for the premises and will implement the ideas and wishes of the customer. Before the start of the design, all necessary technical documentation of the facility must be prepared in accordance with all norms and rules. Also, the cost of all construction works is calculated. When drafting an office space, safety requirements are taken into account. The plan includes not only cabinets, reception rooms, corridors, halls, conference rooms, bathrooms, but also fire exits, security systems in emergency situations. A professional approach to the design of the office building will make the room comfortable for work and safe for staff.

Design of office buildings