Foundation works

Foundation works


The foundation is the foundation of any building. Everyone knows that without a sound and sound foundation it is impossible to build a reliable building, especially when it comes to large areas. Only correctly performed calculations and professionally executed foundation works can guarantee the safety and reliability of the building.

The technology of foundation construction includes such stages as:
1. Analysis and geological evaluation of the soil.
2. Preparation of the foundation for the foundation.
3. Preparing the soil, which includes compaction of soil in the required places.
4. Reinforcement of a concrete structure.
5. Installation of foundation formwork.
6. Assembling or concreting the foundation, depending on the type of foundation.
7. Waterproofing the finished foundation.

Only professional and qualitative soil analysis can determine the bearing capacity of a particular land plot. Without this analysis and a complex of works with the land, the future building risks cracks due to unstable soil.

In order for the load-bearing capacity of the foundation to correspond to the calculations, it is necessary to use only high-quality building mixtures and materials, strictly observe the foundation construction technology.

In general, the foundations are divided into:
• monolithic foundations;
• prefabricated or banded foundations.

Monolithic foundations are ideal for construction on unstable soils. This foundation is not terrible high groundwater level. Such foundations differ excellent endurance and ability to serve as the basis for cumbersome and heavy multi-storey buildings.

Prefabricated foundations consist of interconnected foundation slabs. Such a foundation is less stable, but for some buildings it is optimal, since the cost of such a foundation is slightly lower than that of a monolithic one. In addition, the construction of prefabricated foundation is much faster than monolithic.

Whichever type of foundation you choose, construction of the foundation should be trusted only by professionals. After all, the reliability of the foundation is the reliability of the entire building as a whole. Any mistakes in the construction of the foundation in the future can lead to disaster.