Construction of industrial premises in Ukraine

Construction of industrial premises


Technical requirements for production facilities are usually higher than for storage facilities. This room must meet the requirements of production. When building a production room, it is necessary to take into account such factors as:

– Potential hazards of production. The room should be as safe as possible for the workers. Building materials should not have a smell, release harmful vapors into the air, cause allergies.

– fire and explosion safety should be at a high level. The room must be equipped with an alarm system.

– professional calculation and proper technical execution of engineering systems and communications.

– the possibility of expanding the production space without stopping the production process.

– Aesthetic appearance, interior decoration for more comfortable working conditions for the staff.

Thanks to innovative construction technologies and the use of modern building materials, prefabricated buildings meet all the requirements of production. In addition, construction and installation work can be done regardless of the weather conditions and the time of year. Specialists of “BK SOLID” in the construction of industrial premises take into account all factors affecting the building. After all, when building production facilities, it is necessary to take into account not only the external load on the building, but also the internal loads associated with the movement of heavy equipment through the workshop or vibration from operating mechanisms.