
Building a floor

Floors are an important and integral part of any room. The floor in the production room must meet the technical requirements, be of high quality and safe at the same time. The floor in the production room should be easy to operate and maintain, do not emit smell, do not create dust, be resistant to bending, shock and vibration, do not conduct electricity.
To date, the technology of self-leveling floor has reliably proven itself in the construction of floors of industrial premises.
Features of such sex are:
1. Great strength of the floor. In a production room, you do not just need to build floors, you need to build very strong floors that withstand heavy loads.
2. Stability of the floor not only to water, but also to various oils, lubricants, fuels, chemicals. All these substances should be easily flushed from the floor surface and leave virtually no traces.
3. Balanced polymer composition allows us to build a floor, resistant to mechanical damage. In other words, it is extremely difficult to beat, wipe or trample such a floor.
4. Simple floor repair. If the floor is mechanically damaged, it is very easy to fix the problem.
5. The elasticity of the casting mixture allows the floor to withstand vibrations from operating equipment or the movement of heavy transport on the floor surface. Such a composition minimizes the likelihood of cracks and potholes on the floor surface.
6. High resistance of the floor to high and low temperatures.
7. When constructing floors, we use special mixtures that allow you to use the floor in a short time after construction.
There are other variants of floors for industrial premises. Our experts will help you choose the material, the use of which in the construction of the floor will best meet the operational requirements of the premises. Floors in the production room can be single-layer, multi-layer, reinforced or unreinforced. The decisive role in choosing the material for floor construction is played by the purpose of the room. But, no matter what demands you make to the floor, our team of professional builders will translate all your ideas into reality and build for you a reliable floor that will meet your expectations.

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